Online Profile Tips

Do you have an online profile that needs attention?

Has your LinkedIn profile sat idle for six months or more?

Was your last Facebook business page post in 2012?

Then you are in the right place.

Following on from the Clear Blue Writing blog titled The importance of your Online Profile, here are five online profile and content pointers;

  1. Think about how you and or your business want to be represented on each platform. Write your content, including your profile information to suit that. For example, share your why.
  2. Use the same image on each platform you have a business or personal profile. This makes it easier for users/clients to find you on multiple platforms.
  3. Keep it G-rated. Only post images or content your Grandmother would be okay with.
  4. Check your spelling and grammar. I cannot highlight this one enough. If needed, ask someone else to proof read your content for you before publishing. It is such a simple thing but can make a BIG difference to your online credibility.
  5. When it comes to content, images or videos, be creative. Try and use your own images where ever possible. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Your perspective makes it unique. Just remember tip no.3. Use content to educate, inform, comment, entertain. Be brave and create your own video content.


Multiple Profiles

There is nothing wrong with having any or all of the following – a personal profile, a business profile and a private profile. It simply depends what you use the social media platform for and how you what to be represented on said site.

Go forth and create your Facebook business page profile.

Set aside time in your calendar to update your LinkedIn profile regularly.

Create a plan to manage content for Instagram.

Let me know how you go. Touch base with any questions – I’m happy to help.